5 tips to correct work life imbalance
Today’s guest post is from Bob Epperly, a former Exxon executive turned life coach, author of Growing Up After Fifty, and co-author of Interactive Career Development: Integrating Employer and Employee Goals.
With the unemployment rate dropping to 7 percent, lower than it was even five years ago and down from a peak of 10 percent in October 2009, many are breathing a sigh of relief. But the effects of a long bout of high unemployment are sure to have thrown off the balance of employee well-being.
Of course, the rate does not take into account those who are underemployed, including over-skilled workers in menial jobs and those with too few hours.
For those lucky enough to have decent employment, many feel insecure and are willing to skew their work-life balance into a tailspin, with exaggerated emphasis on their career.
Most people cannot afford to simply refuse the demands of their job, so what’s a person to do?
I offer five tips for correcting lifestyle imbalance. (more…)