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10 military principles that apply anywhere and to anyone

10 military principles that apply anywhere and to anyone

Today’s guest writer is David M. Smith, the author of The Texas Spirit, (2014; Halcyon Press), and founder/owner of Chemical Exchange, Inc. and Texmark Chemicals. David is an avid jogger who’s committed to living to age 100.


10 military principlesIn many ways, the knowledge gleaned from four years of college doesn’t compare to what a person can learn at infantry school. The Army provided me with more fun and interesting experiences and principles than college because I spent a lot of time in the company of officers and immersed myself in reading military classics.

Most students in MBA programs will never have that military experience, which is why I’ve condensed what I’ve learned into 10 essential principles that apply to business or anywhere.

10 essential military principles that apply anywhere, to anyone (more…)