Finding the perfect attitude is easier than finding the perfect job
What’s your passion? Family? Gardening? Rock climbing?
Now think about where your work-for-money job falls in your list of passions. For many, a job is just a means to an end. Something that provides money for an education, an SUV, a house, and more.
However, finding passion in your job—whether it’s a clerical or professional position—is the key to your career success.
Passion will move men beyond themselves, beyond their shortcomings, beyond their failures. ~Joseph Campbell, writer and lecturer
Everyone can have a great career, especially those who are focused, have a can-do orientation, and are willing to overcome workplace obstacles.
When people are enthusiastic about what they do, the stress, challenges, and bumps in the road are easier to overcome. Passion serves as a driver, the thing that sustains them when things get tough.
I know the value of enthusiasm and dedication. Both served me well in rising from a receptionist position to becoming the co-owner of a staffing agency. Finding my passion and tapping into my strengths ultimately paid off.
They can do the same for you.
I committed to be the best receptionist I could be. By committing to being the best and channeling the positive, I created my own destiny. So, can you.
If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose. ~T.D. Jakes
5 ways to find passion in your job
I have five suggestions to help you find the passion in your job and start you on the path of your employment destiny.
1. See everything as a learning experience.
- Be observant, ask questions, listen to the answers, take notes, and read a lot. Become a sponge. Absorb as much information as you can.
- Don’t be afraid to let hard work trump a traditional education. That doesn’t mean you should forego college, but you shouldn’t limit your career options just because of schooling. If you want something, fight for it.
2. Know your strengths.
- Figure out what you’re good at. Are you creative, competitive, outgoing, or all of the above? Figure out how your strengths translate to doing your job.
- Be prepared for your strengths to change over the course of your work career. You may also find strengths you didn’t know you had.
There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. ~Nelson Mandela
3. Stay focused.
- Being disciplined and making sacrifices to achieve your goals is important.
- Learning to say “no” is a one-word secret for staying on track.
4. Surround yourself with great people.
- Find a mentor who readily offers help, guidance and support. If you want greatness in your life, then you have to surround yourself with great people.
5. Let your engagement at work and happiness show.
- Find little things about your job that you really enjoy, and do them very, very well.
- Make sure you bring all of your skills to your work. You’ll find you enjoy work because you’re good at it.
Never work just for money or for power. They won’t save your soul or help you sleep at night. ~Marian Wright Edelman, activist for children’s rights
People often become frustrated with their job. Instead of focusing on trying to make the situation better, they look for another job because they think a new job will be the answer to their problems or frustrations.
That’s not always the case. Control what’s within your ability to control.
I think it’s easier to find the perfect attitude than it is to find the perfect job.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~Maya Angelou
Today’s guest author is Nicole Smartt, author and co-owner/ vice president of Star Staffing in Petaluma, CA.
Image credit before quote added: Pixabay