A fried egg doesn’t seem a likely cause of consternation—yet it was.
Perched atop a grilled hamburger, the egg drew stares not only from Katherine who had ordered the dish but from several of her dining companions as well.
“Well, I never expected this,” she exclaimed. “Who would eat an egg on a burger? This just doesn’t look right.”
Having lived in Denver where we experienced eggs on top of lots of unexpected foods, I suggested that she surprise her taste buds and take a small bite.
“I don’t think so,” Katherine declared. With her lips pursed and drawing approving nods from several of our fellow diners, Katherine scooped the offending egg onto her bread plate and handed it off to the passing waiter. She wasn’t willing to take the risk.
Isn’t it fascinating how we get bold and take a baby step outside our comfort zone (like ordering the burger in the first place), yet immediately recoil when the new circumstances look unfamiliar?
Living life to your fullest potential is an ongoing adventure.
Adventures, by their very nature, bring challenges and newness to be savored and explored.
3 ways to use courage to expand your comfort zone
Take a risk every now and then.
Stretch your “risk muscle” and get prepped for those unexpected changes that do occur (usually when we least expect them).
Pay attention.
Just like the menu description that clearly announced the egg that accompanied the burger, life gives us signs and warnings. Watch for them. Then pay attention.
Be mindful of what you push away or ignore.
Keeping your professional and personal life static leads to boredom, closed thinking and narrow viewpoints…doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? A taste or touch of the new and unexpected brings a whole new level of richness to life!
How big is the story that your comfort zone tells?
Image source: morgueFile.com