3 ways to disagree without being disagreeable
Every work group needs a contrarian. People with different points of view, experiences, or attitudes move conversation and decision-making to a higher level. They aid in getting unconventional ideas and options noticed, comfort zones expanded, and results...
11 ways to be a leader who shines
Being a leader is a forever kind of thing. Leadership isn't a role to be slipped in and out of when it’s convenient to do. If we want to be an effective leader, our vision and guidance must always shine, in lights both bright and muted. 11 ways to be a leader who...
What lottery balls and connections have in common
Check email. Debrief the boss. Go to the staff meeting. Return calls. Review sales numbers. Attend budget meeting. Check email. Participate in conference call with headquarters. Glance at online news headlines. Go to vendor meeting. Gobble granola bar. Conduct an...
13 ways to lead in a cash-is-king world
Cash is king was the CFO's favorite go-to line when denying expenditures. Everyone knew their spending requests for raises, projects, hiring, process innovation expenses, etc. were doomed once the CFO uttered “cash is king.” What made it doubly hard was that the CEO...
How to increase your emotional intelligence
Leadership development programs designed to increase emotional intelligence have matured during the last 15 years. So why haven’t we seen a big change in the way executives relate to one other? Because, despite reading books and articles, taking assessments, and...
4 tips for broadening your mind and leadership skills
Habits can be a trap for anyone in a leadership position anyway, be it business, politics, academia, or another field. As a leader, you need to provide a compelling vision that inspires those around you. But all too often, that doesn’t happen. Leaders lapse...