Leadership lessons from Socrates to share with your kids
Looking for some good life and leadership lessons to share with your children? If so, turn to Socrates, Confucius, and Da Vinci. They and other great thinkers who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago still offer surprisingly relevant advice that one generation can...
Keep the monkeys? Or give them back?
One of my personal rules is that my phone is always off when I’m with a client or conducting workshops. Why? The people I'm with deserve 100 percent of my attention. Calls are returned and emails answered later. While curled up in my hotel room one evening, I returned...
Get good at managing opposites
Feeling like everyone but you is being promoted? Wondering why your team has lost its spark? Questioning how few people at work are interested in your ideas and opinions? If so, perhaps it’s time for a leadership practice checkup to assess how good you are at managing...
From tolerance to acceptance to celebration
I was working with a leadership development group on the topic of conflict and was using a colleague’s slides. I put up a slide (which I'd sadly missed when running through the materials, seeing somehow) that suggested a session norm of "develop a tolerance for...
3 ways to secure employee buy-in
In the closing seconds of a tight basketball game, a smart coach will huddle with his players and draw up a play designed to result in a winning shot. However, if a single teammate is disengaged, the play can go wrong, and the team falls short of victory. Businesses...
When company culture goes wrong
Frequent fliers may look back on 2017 as the year those supposedly "friendly skies" turned into "chaotic clouds." The list of airlines in trouble seemed to grow by the day, whether it was cancelled flights that led to near riots, prize rabbits dying in the cargo hold...