Great bosses clear the path for consistent performance
How easy is it for your team members to deliver consistent performance? How easy is it for them to act as great corporate citizens? It’s possible that your work environment has hurdles and hindrances that inhibit team members from doing the right things the right way...
7 ways to be a trusted leader
Only eight percent of the employees surveyed in the Forum Global Leadership Pulse Survey had a high level of trust for their leaders. 34 percent say they trust their boss less today than they did before. Five percent said they don't trust their boss at all. And the...
Changing stereotypes begins with me
The question posed to the five-member discussion panel was one of those-simple-but-loaded ones: “How did you learn to change yourself?” The women who answered before me outlined impressive and proactive change strategies they’d used to propel themselves to...
5 ways to communicate more effectively
"I'm going to get fired." "Why do you think that?" "My boss completely lost it when I told him the lawyers were working on a settlement for the discrimination case. He acted like he'd never heard about it before." "Had you told him settling was a possibility?" "I...
4 principles for staying cool under pressure
Today’s guest post is from Robert J. Cerfolio, MD, the James H. Estes Family Endowed Chair of Lung Cancer Research and Full Professor Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. He received his medical degree from the University of Rochester...
16 quotes about powerful communications
Whether they're spoken or written, our words are powerful. They can inspire, anger, motivate, and move. They can build bridges or walls. They can pull people to us or push them away. Here's to choosing them wisely and well! Quotes about the power of...