Honoring multiple stakeholders without losing our moral grounding
Today's guest contributor is Linda Fisher Thornton, CEO of Leading in Context LLC and one of the 2013 Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Leadership for the University of Richmond School of Professional...
Determining the problem IS the problem
Today's guest contributor is Bill McBean, author of The Facts of Business Life: What Every Successful Business Owner Knows that You Don't. Bill spent many of his nearly forty years as a successful business owner in the automobile industry. Since selling his company,...
Killing credibility is easy, regaining it isn’t
Barry wasn’t happy that his boss put him through the 360 evaluation process. He was even unhappier after receiving the feedback. In fact, he was shocked, angry and disbelieving. Under no circumstances did he view himself as being unethical, thoughtless, and lacking...
Nope, pink hair isn’t for me
“Are you questioning me in my house?” Edan*, my male hair stylist, stood there, looking askance at me and sounding incredulous that I would question what he was doing. “I am. It’s my hair.” I wasn’t certain at that moment if his question was a control issue, a gender...
Good-bye, divisiveness. Hello, curiosity and tolerance
I was surprised and taken back by the passion and lack of tolerance in voice as she said, "I'm furious about the detached garages behind the new homes being built along the entrance to our subdivision. They cheapen the neighborhood." I saw the same surprise in...
4 ways to boost accountability
“After Tessa got away with simply saying I’m working on project xyz in the daily readout session I started doing the same. No point in doing the extra prep work if I didn’t have to.” “Didn’t your boss call you out for not sharing issues, obstacles and accomplishments...