What kind of contrarian are you?
I love contrarians. Those who take a different or opposite point of view or attitude can move the conversation and decision-making to a higher level. A level where alternate ideas and options are introduced. A level where comfort zones are pushed. A level where a...
The battle of being spoonfed vs. having gumption
"The facilitator was unprepared. She didn't bring a list of examples that we could use. I believe she wasted my time in asking me to create my own list." I knew Art* wasn't "liking" the leadership workshop. The other eleven participants were into it; he assumed the...
How bias helps us jump to the wrong conclusion
“I’m hoping we don’t start this meeting off with a prayer,” my colleague whispered to me as the staff meeting began. In response to my quizzical expression, he whispered, "I'll fill you in after the meeting." Outside the conference room, my colleague stated our new...
Don’t diss! Distinguish and do
My colleague was quite miffed about being passed over to be the team lead for a high profile project. Suzanne told everyone she should have been the one to get tapped for that work, not Kathleen. Her outrage hung on, with her tirades now flowing beyond the workplace...
Want to be a leader? Start with these 5 cornerstone values
Many fine values like courtesy, confidence, ingenuity, and thrift exist. However, the dilemma is that the list of values can easily grow long. Emphasizing too many values can cause employees to lose focus and fail to prioritize. A short list of key, core values is far...
3 ways to be less judgmental
His public message to me was terse even by Twitter standards for brevity: “@thehrgoddess Your tweets are drivel. #unfollow” My first thought after reading that message? How rude! Curious, I reread my tweet that prompted this attack (how I was feeling) – it was a...