Pooper scoopers and conflict
A former boss was well-known for his flamboyant language and turns of speech. One of his favorite analogies was to compare a leader’s job in dealing with conflict with being the pooper scooper at the circus. He’d tell us it was our job to clean up the messes people on...
4 business lessons drawn from tough times
Business can lead to cutthroat competition in more ways than one, but I learned that the darkest moments also can lead to the greatest triumphs and best business lessons. It’s the worst experiences that sometimes teach us the most important lessons. I encountered...
The truth is always in style
“Oh, come on. It’s just a little white lie. Why are you making such a big deal out of it?” “Because it’s a lie, and it’s not so little.” “Dude, you’re never going to get anywhere with that mindset. Sometimes you just have to stretch the truth. Everyone does...
What conflict and courage have in common
Just like spring breezes and pollen, conflict is in the air. Contentious attitudes are everywhere. We find them in the media, in workplaces, in our social media feeds, in the streets, between friends, and at the dinner table. Civility and respect for other’s...
Creating a chain reaction of goodness
“You're a total idiot! No one in their right mind thinks that way.” Those words were from a conversation happening at the far end of the coffee shop. A conversatiion that kept getting louder and louder. Everyone in the shop knew the people back there were...
Six Ways to Handle Rejection
Ten years ago, in the 2008 Olympics, Michael Phelps won the Gold Medal in the Men’s 100M butterfly beating out Milorad Cavic by a mere .01 second. Literally, in the 1/30th time it takes to blink, Phelps’s dreams were realized, and Cavic’s were dashed. Over the course...