When the CEO doesn’t care that employees are dissatisfied
Every month, two to five people quit the small manufacturing company, heading off to a new job. Concerned with costs and time involved in the revolving door of recruiting and training, the company decided to do an employee survey to see why people were leaving. Wages...
When a man orders a woman into his stereotypes
I belong to a professional business club—a great place for meetings, one-on-one discussions and the occasional introspective time (fueled by their extraordinary chocolate chip cookies). On that rainy afternoon, there were only two of us in the member’s library—a...
Do you build esteem or slay it?
A March 2012 DDI study “Leadership Lessons from the People Who Matter” reports 40% of respondents say their boss has never damaged their self-esteem. Only 40% with no damage??? Yikes, that means 60% of respondents have had their self-esteem—their sense personal worth...
Let’s stop the bald = good leader stereotype
Rant alert! Beware! Just read some research, and to me, it's crazy stuff that perpetuates stereotypes and bias. So, I went a little nuts. What is wrong with us?! I'm thinking we've lost our collective minds. Why? Buying into nonsense that people who are bald,...
Vanilla or Mint? No Room for Second Place
Steve Van Remortel, founder of SM Advisors and creator of the Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream process, educates and inspires business leaders on how to differentiate their organization by applying the fundamentals of strategy and talent. In his first book, Stop Selling...
5 things character-based leaders do
I'm at the Lead Change Group blog today...check it out! I’ve long believed life isn’t an either/or choice but rather an array of character-based both/and opportunities. One place where the either/or versus both/and orientation shows up in stark contrast is in...