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Stereotypes and sloshed coffee

Stereotypes and sloshed coffee

  Little did I realize that one of my first decisions as a newly-promoted manager would be to decide if I was going to fit the stereotypes of the nice girl who sweetly poured coffee for the fellas or the b---- who refused to do so. Twenty-plus years ago, it was...

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Tripping up the ladder of inference

Tripping up the ladder of inference

Thanks to the fiendishly clever machinations of a major PC firm, I spent all of October and most of November trapped in the revolving door of using borrowed computers.  Mine had been shipped far away for repairs, perpetually promised as just being two or three more...

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Have these 5 courageous conversations

Have these 5 courageous conversations

It took me over 20 years of working in corporate America to realize my soul was ebbing away a wee bit every year. Finally, l leapt and left before it was all gone. The relentless focus on the bottom line and the you're-only-as-good-as-your-last-set-of-numbers...

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LeadBIG out and about!
