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end gender stereotypes



At one point in my career, I was a vice president in a Fortune 500 company with $2 billion in annual revenues. I successfully managed a department of 150 people, consistently delivering projects ahead of schedule and under budget.

When asked by the CEO to describe me, can you guess what my boss said?

He said I was a “soft and round Aunt Polly.”

Wow, that stung.

Okay, I’m a woman. I’m blonde, and I’m overweight.

But why would my boss describe me by my appearance and sex instead of my accomplishments?

Because I’ve hit the trifecta of stereotypes—a blonde, fat woman.

It’s 2019, and gender stereotypes still exist that make it challenging for business women to be seen as both a good leader and a good woman.

That really troubles me.

What about you?

Is that the kind of workplace culture we want for our children and grandchildren?

For the women and men who want their kids and grandkids to have a different experience, now’s the time to partner up for change. Provided both sexes are willing to modify a few workplace practices, together women and men can change how leadership is defined and practiced.

Together, women and men can end stereotypes that limit the potential and passion of too many.

9 ways to say good-bye to gender stereotypes


Practicing these nine actions will bring equity and gender-balanced inclusiveness to your leadership practices.

1.  Be mindful of gender stereotypes that influence your thinking about which sex is better suited for certain kinds of work.

Social conditioning nudges people to think about leadership in terms of masculine traits, a practice that puts women and feminine attributes at a disadvantage.

If you find yourself thinking that men make the better bosses because they’re good at taking charge and women the better assistants because they’re the best at taking care, stop. If you always ask the women in your meetings to take the notes or plan parties, stop. If you question the leadership potential of a kind-hearted man, stop. If you describe assertive women as shrill, stop.

Stereotypes push us to apply a specified set of expectations to a whole group of people, whether they apply or not. When we do that, we ignore individual attributes and deny people their potential.

2. Check for inconsistencies in how you select a man or a woman for a job or evaluate their promotion readiness.

Research tells us that women are judged on their past performance, men on their future potential. Why not evaluate all candidates on both their past performance and future potential?

3. Assure that all voices are heard equally in the meetings you conduct.

If the men keep interrupting the women, call them out. If the women remain silent, call them into the discussion. If anyone co-opts an idea that someone presented earlier, assure that proper attribution is given.

4. Monitor how you pay your people.

If you supervise others, look for—and correct—any wage disparities that exists between sexes, ethnicities, etc., holding the same positions.

5. Sponsor both women and men and be proactive about it.

For anyone who has the audacity to insinuate that an inappropriate relationship exists in a mixed sex sponsorship, call out their boorish and stereotypical thinking.

6. Let go of the incorrect myth that power always corrupts.

There are those who use the power of their position for personal gain, but don’t confuse power with the selfish person using it. Power reveals what a person already was.

7. Avoid the “parent” trap.

When a man becomes a parent, it’s assumed he’ll be more dedicated to his work because he has a family to support. When a woman becomes a parent, it’s assumed she’ll be less dedicated to her work because she has a family. Be on the lookout for these incorrect assumptions. Along the same lines, don’t penalize either moms or dads for using family leave time.

8. Don’t confuse physical presence with true inclusion.

Just because there’s a woman or a minority on a team doesn’t mean there’s an inclusive, participative environment with meaningful engagement. Ask yourself some tough questions about whether your leadership practices are reflective of real participation or just window dressing presence.

9. Be willing to be vulnerable so your biases can be detected and managed.

While we all work hard to not be biased, we still are. Create mechanisms so that the presence of biases, gender and otherwise, can be safely and nonjudgmentally identified and eliminated.

Seeing someone else’s biases is much easier than seeing our own. That means using tact, grit, kindness, persistence, and grace are essential for achieving progress, openness, and inclusion.

Psychologists once believed that only bigoted people used stereotypes. Now the study of unconscious bias is revealing the unsettling truth: We all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us. ~Annie Murphy Paul, journalist and author

As you head out to work tomorrow, remember the shining eyes and hopeful faces of your children. Build the kind of place where you would want them to work.


Image credit before quote: Pixabay