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power of collaborationRemember the poem “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum?

Take a moment and consider how well you implement two of the principles in your life.

 1)  When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.

2)  Share everything.

I love that!

It is so simple yet so difficult to find these days. Today’s world is full of competition, skepticism and distrust. Take our current political system as a prime example.

Success, as it is often defined by the “masses” (whoever they are), is doing better, making more money and having more power than the “next guy or woman” as well as “living up to the Jones.”

Collaboration = Success

Historically, in the field of mental health, professionals worked together in teams. It was the synergy of bringing diverse fields of expertise and perspective together and collectively identifying the most effective course of treatment that made it so successful.

No one discipline would have done as good a job having done it alone. The team approach also served the purpose of building camaraderie, enabling collective learning and creating a rich, inspiring work environment.

I had a recent experience that made me appreciate all we are missing nowadays because it is no longer “cost effective” to work as a team.

I was referred a client by a psychiatrist whom I know well and worked closely with in the past. Our experiences seeing this particular client were very different. Only through our discussion and collaboration were we able to better understand his needs and how we could best serve him.

This is a call to action

Support the leaders that are able to build camaraderie and the individuals that are courageous enough to not follow the status quo. It is time to start sharing, holding hands, and sticking together.

The traffic can be pretty rough out there if we don’t.


Today’s LeadBIG guest author is Sharon Becker, LISW, ACSW, licensed private practice therapist. Sharon is passionate about women supporting women.

Image source:  morgueFile