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The thought that popped into my mind was unexpected.

All I had to do to resolve my problems with the plant that continued to vex me was to toss it into the compost bin. No longer would I have to deal with the spindly, frustrating thing that wilted in the sun, refused to grow in the shade, and sent out buds that withered and died.

While that was a fast solution, it didn’t feel right.

What held me back from pitching the plant was the memory of the beautiful flower it bore the day I received it. I imagined a glorious mass of those blossoms spilling over the side of its container. That was a sight that would make me, and others, smile.

Thinking of not giving up on the possibility of having those incredible blossoms prompted me think of David, a long ago boss.

David had enticed me to move across six states to take a new job with a new company, working for him. Hubby and I had packed up all our worldly goods and moved 1,227 miles to a place with “new” everything.

I wasn’t effective right away. Given all the newness, I needed a couple of months to find my footing and flourish in my job, so it was a good thing David didn’t give up on me. As he told me later, “I knew you’d find your way. You just needed a little time.”

David was a rare breed of leader—the nurturing kind.

Not nurturing in the sense of cosseting, indulging, or over-protecting. Rather, David supported and encouraged his team on one hand and pushed us relentlessly toward rigorous goals on the other.

Some might say those approaches are opposites. How can a leader push and pull? Praise and criticize? And still motivate?

The good ones do.

David was a master at paradoxical leadership. He excelled at giving people the space to grow, experiment with new processes, gain new skills, and build capacity. He demanded results but also gave us room to fail and learn.

David inspired us to better ourselves so we could better the company.

The main reason for leading is to help other people win. ~Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner


7 opposites wise leaders manage


Opposite #1: delegate and guide.

Wise leaders empower employees who have the right skills to do the right work at the right time. They check in periodically to assure all is well, answer questions, or remove barriers.

Opposite #2: hold people accountable and create freedom.

Having the latitude to create, take risks, and disrupt the status quo is a precious gift. However, this gift comes with strings: responsibility and accountability. These leaders know, and teach others, that they must deal with the consequences, intended and otherwise, and see things through. There’s no walking away when the going gets tough or pointing the finger of blame at someone else.

Opposite #3: dream and do.

Effective leaders understand that leading others isn’t like a spreadsheet that contains the perfect formula that always tallies perfectly. Nurturing leaders make room, and time, for dreaming, for feeling, for connecting. They encourage creativity, imagination, fun, laughter, and sometimes a little silliness.

Opposite #4: champion and oppose.

Sometimes the right answer is yes, other times it’s no. Nurturing leaders don’t back away from saying no. They also have the backs of those on their team.

Opposite #5: celebrate success and allow failure.

Giving an employee permission to fail and then learn from failure is the one of greatest gifts a leader can grant. The lessons of success may be superficial, not so with failure. Failure brings alignment to our heads, hearts, and hands. It helps us see the value in leading with our hearts and managing with our heads.

Opposite #6: foster the individual and sustain the collective.

Some activities can be all about “I.” Some things must be about “we.” Nurturing leaders know when to flex between the team and the individual.

Opposite #7: pull back and push forward. 

Nurturing leaders understand that innovation is good; so is honoring stability. Thoughtful leaders find the sweet spot in allowing just the right level of disruption that keeps things current, fresh, and relevant without creating chaos.

Do those being served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous? ~Robert Greenleaf

Leadership means connecting to manage opposites.

Connecting means supporting.

Supporting means being brave enough to flex your nurturing muscle so others can flex theirs and make a difference, too.



Image source before quote added: Pixabay