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Might it’s time for a career pivot?

Might it’s time for a career pivot?

Today’s guest author is Mark Hopkins. Mark spent twenty-five years deciphering the factors that make some people prosperous, successful and happy. After building a leadership career with companies like Hewlett Packard and Emerson Electric, he founded Peak Industries, a medical device contract manufacturer, which he grew to $75 million and later sold to Delphi. He is the author of Shortcut to Prosperity: 10 Entrepreneurial Habits and a Roadmap For An Exceptional Career.


career movesConsidering an opportunity and not sure if you should pursue it?

This happens to most of us every day.

For the big ones—a new job, a promotion, the opportunity to start a company—think like an entrepreneur and take the time to assess your personal situation using the following criteria: (more…)