by Margie Analise | Be your best you
Today’s guest author is Margie Analise, mentor, motivator and spark plug of self-confidence and success who helps women entrepreneurs ignite the extraordinary in their life and business. Margie offers a free coaching course, or you can send her your question about life, style or business, and you could be featured in her Q&A video segment, Spotlight + Solution!
Whether your other role as a woman is entrepreneur, working mom, business leader, or something in between, there is a synergy of two elements that creates a key so crucial to your success in business and life, that you can’t get your big on without it.
Before I tell you what it is, I want to share a little story with you of how this key was revealed to me through a very powerful personal experience. (more…)
by Jane Perdue | Be your best you
A fried egg seems an unlikely source of anxiety or an adventure to be avoided—yet it was.
Sitting atop a grilled hamburger, it drew stares not only from Katherine who had ordered the dish but from several others at our table.
“This isn’t really what I expected,” she exclaimed. “It doesn’t look right.” (more…)
by Jane Perdue | Be your best you
“It’s fascinating when Sally and Greg are in the same meeting. You can count on Sally to point out what’s wrong and Greg to focus on what’s right. Together they make the perfect glass half-empty, half-full pair.”
Sally and Greg’s styles represent two of Dr. Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats™ – an effective method for moving beyond limiting mindsets: I’m right/you’re wrong, confrontation, either/or, number-cruncher. (more…)
by Jane Perdue | Be your best you
Challenge my mind.
Intrigue me.
Pique my curiosity.
Move me.
Make me laugh.
Please just don’t try to sell or subscribe or impress me before you’ve done any of those things!
I’ve been doing lots of research as I write my next book which means I’m visiting lots of new web sites and blogs.
On some (too many!) I’m bombarded with popups within seconds of opening the page—Enroll! Subscribe! Buy! Don’t miss! (more…)
by Dr. Andrew Thorn | Be your best you

Dr. Andrew Thorn
This year I enjoyed the amazing opportunity of helping a Fortune 100 company roll out a major talent and leadership development strategy for their emerging leaders in Central America.
As I held one hour meetings with 230 members of their sales, finance, HR, marketing and executive teams, I discovered something very fascinating. Even though everyone was working for the same company, with the same support and same rules, some locations were succeeding and others were struggling. (more…)
by Jane Perdue | Be your best you
Do you always write with blue ink?
If it’s Wednesday, do you know you’re having pizza for dinner?
Do you always use the back hallway so you can avoid walking by your boss’s office?
Do you avoid trying something new because you’re afraid you’re going to fail?
We’re creatures of habit so we like our routines. They’re comfy, familiar, and make us feel safe. (more…)