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In praise of civility

In praise of civility

disagree with grace and civilityIt was a day of the triple rudeness whammy.

One was delivered in my Twitter stream.

The  second and third ones happened in meetings when an individual shared their point of view and was vigorously pommelled with personal attacks. It was brutal, and I wanted out of there. (more…)

5 myths about kindness to retire

5 myths about kindness to retire



I’m on a mission to rehabilitate how we think about several words—and kindness is one of them!

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~Kahlil Gibran

Kindness, which is ever-renewable and costs nothing, is in short supply.

Frantic schedules, demanding bosses, too much to do with too little time for doing it, and the technology impacts of interacting with others via a device instead of person-to-person all play a role in the disappearance of kind acts. (more…)

#GiveLocalAmerica helps us be philanthropists

#GiveLocalAmerica helps us be philanthropists

spirit of givingLet’s talk about Give Local America and why giving is important.

In my first act of life, getting promoted and having the latest designer purse or shoes made me happy.

Until they didn’t anymore.

So now, in my second act of life, doing good, giving back, and learning make me happy. (And super good chocolate once in awhile.) (more…)

Add love to your leadership

Add love to your leadership

add some love to your leadershipLooking back on all the places I’ve worked, the ones that were the most enjoyable—and productive—were those where there was love. Not the mushy candy heart kind, but rather the holding people in high regard kind.

Not to say those organizations weren’t results-driven or action-oriented. They were. Metrics were vigorously scrutinized, and low performers strongly urged to up their game.

But what made those workplaces different from others was that people cared.

Bosses didn’t rip into employees. They didn’t shred people’s self-respect and self-esteem.

Bosses in those companies “got” it.

They understood employees weren’t the enemy to be vanquished but rather the ones through whom all work got done.

They knew that motivating by kindness—not by fear—made things happen.

They knew engaged teams who bonded together defied gravity in the pursuit of making goals happen.

Today is Valentine’s Day, so it’s the perfect day to give yourself, and those around you, a leadership gift of love, empathy and kindness.

3 ways to add some love to your leadership


1. It’s OK to care.

Treating employees and colleagues with respect and compassion may not be on your company’s leadership competency model or give you any points at bonus time, but be a well-mannered maverick and do it anyway.

The essence of love is to affectively affirm as well as unselfishly delight in the well-being of others, and to engage in acts of care and service on their behalf, without exception, in an enduring and constant way. ~Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, Case Western Reserve University

2. Let’em know they matter.

Saying “thanks” increases the likelihood your employee will not only help you, but help someone else. ~Mark Goulston

3. Be kind.

Being kind isn’t synonymous with being weak. Kind bosses tell people how they can be better and inspire them to do so. Kind bosses tactfully point out mistakes and ask about the lessons learned. Kind bosses see the potential we don’t see in ourselves and push us to grow into it.

Your greatness is measured by your kindness; your education and intellect by your modesty; your ignorance is betrayed by your suspicions and prejudices, and your real caliber is measured by the consideration and tolerance you have for others. ~William J.H. Boetcker

Do you think there’s room for love in leadership?

Image credit before quote added:  morgueFile




Feeling little in a big world?

Feeling little in a big world?

feeling littleOnce upon a time, the world was big and I was little.

But, that was then and this is now.

In my 50’s, I still fall into feeling little from time to time.

We all do.

That feeling lies in the core of my gut, and I can feel the anxiety throughout my body when it’s activated.

The good news is that the feeling passes with time, and I can rekindle my flame with greater strength and wisdom that has come with age and experience. I am also no longer afraid to go there. (more…)