4 ways to be a better thinker
If you knew a replacement part would add an extra 90 cents in costs and yield only ten cents in warranty savings, would you authorize use of the more expensive part? Probably not. Managers would crunch the numbers and find the spending increase unjustified since only...
5 ways to tame bias
Once upon a time there was boss who was an extrovert and who preferred working with extroverts. He liked people jockeying to make themselves heard and found the quiet, reflective ones annoying. Over time, he quit adding introverts to his team and weeded out...
Short on passion and purpose? Reinvent yourself!
Many Americans in the latter stage of a career, or even already in retirement, have discovered that it’s never too late to reinvent themselves and find new passion and purpose. Folk artist Grandma Moses was in her late 70s before she began her painting career. Colonel...
Rooting for more women in technology
There’s plenty of data that shows the positive effects that result from the growing presence of women in the business world. There’s a couple reasons why women have proven to be a positive boost for business: They’re half the population, which is a tremendous...
Want to know how the word “should” and flypaper are related?
“Dave should have picked me to be on that special project team. He’s my boss. He should have known I wanted to participate.” Should. Such a limiting word. It gifts us with frustration and anger. “I should have been asked to lead the discussion group. They should have...
You got the job…now what?
Great, you got the job! Some people in this situation might think, "Whew! Now I can relax, cruise a while and rest on my laurels." Actually, your work is just beginning, but so is your "glory!" 6 priorities for first 90 days on the job There are six priorities...