Don’t take things personally
It was five minutes after the time we were supposed to meet, and I was worried because I was still sitting alone in the coffee shop. Had I gotten the date, time, or place wrong for our meetup? A frantic scroll through sent messages confirmed I was in the right place,...
5 building blocks for a thriving work culture
What makes a successful business thrive and have a great culture? That’s a good question given that 70 percent of businesses don’t make to their 11th anniversary. You don’t have to be a business guru to recognize when a business is firing on all cylinders nor to...
The many flavors of life, love, and leadership
“You know what? I think you’re right.” Isn’t there something incredibly magical, addictive, and seductive on lots of levels when someone says that to us? Buoyed by success and probably a big chunk of ego, too, we want to do it again and again. Right? I know I sure...
Can Socrates offer millennials (and others) much-needed meaning?
Mention philosophy or the meaning of life to the average person on the street, and you’re likely to receive a few strange looks. For many people, the majority of their exposure to such content is restricted to obscure footnotes in books most laypeople never read....
4 tips for finding a career mentor
It’s not unusual for careers to get off to wobbly starts as young people, hampered by their lack of experience and contacts, find it difficult to achieve a firm footing. That’s one reason they should make it a goal to find mentors who could help guide them...
Ever send the message that you’re the one who’s more important?
In looking back at what happened, I had wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt for having noble intentions, but her actions over time told me something different. I want to collaborate with you on a project and want to talk to you, she wrote in an email. My...