Connecting and self-promoting are 2 different things
Maybe I am the outlier and need to get over it. But I can’t. Won’t is the better word. I won’t be a "brand," someone who seizes every opportunity to self-promote. I want to be someone who has a good reputation. An invitation to connect What set me off? A...
Be a company where good people want to work
Are you an employer spending lots of time puzzling over what you need to do to attract millennials? Concerned about retaining those young people once you hire them? Thinking you need to change your workplace culture? If so, you’re not alone. Many companies...
8 ways to get a fresh start on life
Do you know why people love the first day of school? The start of a New Year? The first day of fall? Because they find the idea of a clean slate exhilarating. They want to make changes or start fresh. Looking for the chance to have a clean slate doesn’t mean...
Dealing with a generation that wants to change the world
There’s a new generation in town, and it’s one that employers better get ready for. That generation is 23 million strong and will be flooding the workforce by the end of the decade. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Generation Z. Generation Z: Is a confidence-filled...
The sweet spot between too much and “just right” planning
“You can’t do that. It’s not in the plan.” How many times have you heard that line or one like it spoken at work? Planning is important. Business plans, contingency plans, succession plans, project plans, etc. are all good—until they aren’t. Plans bring...
Being too sure of yourself can go wrong
“If the recognition program you're putting together doesn’t reward people with money, Scott, it’s worthless.” “You're wrong about that, Bill. Making money isn’t the only reason people work.” “I can’t believe how naïve you are, Scott. You...