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The beauty of differences

The beauty of differences

  Hubby returned from running errands and excitedly told me about the new screens that had been installed on the gas pumps—screens that played music and TV shows. “What a great concept,” he gushed. “Now I don’t have to just stand there anymore.” Had hubby...

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Stop believing the worst

Stop believing the worst

Ouch! His written words were cutting, cold, and cruel. “It’s obvious she’s trying to pull a fast one. Does she think I’m stupid? Some kind of wimp? Tell her she’s finished writing for us. We don’t work with devious people.” Wow! My crime? Emailing the wrong file. I’d...

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Feedback, fear, and stinky cheese

Feedback, fear, and stinky cheese

Barry was speechless, first with shock and then with anger, as he read the email from his boss. See below. Here's input from Kevin on how you handled the project team meeting today. Get it fixed. Fast. Thought you should know my reactions to the productivity project...

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LeadBIG out and about!
