3 tips for leaders on practicing mindfulness & multi-tasking
Today’s guest contributor is Romila "Dr. Romie" Mushtaq, MD., a mind-body medicine physician, neurologist, and professional speaker. She did her medical education and training at the Medical University of South Carolina, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and...
Can I color inside AND outside the lines?
Last week was the local TEDx event—an extraordinary day of women, men, and children sharing their talents and personal stories about an idea worth sharing. Being a TED speaker is now on my bucket list. While walking out of the auditorium, I asked a fellow attendee...
3 dueling paradoxes for leaders to embrace
If you knew a replacement part would add an extra 90¢ in costs and yield only a dime in warranty savings, would you authorize use of the more expensive part? Probably not. Managers would crunch the business case and find the spending increase unjustified. But...
9 on the 9th: Quotes about Awareness
Quotes (and a bonus) about awareness. Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin. ~Hermann Hesse Awareness is the greatest agent for change....
4 smart tips for preventing on-the-job disasters
According to OSHA, disgruntled employees, workplace bullies, active-shooter situations, illegal drug use, ex-spouses and dissatisfied clients can all be found in a random sampling of the two million people affected by workplace violence in the United States. Workplace...
10 military principles that apply anywhere and to anyone
Today’s guest writer is David M. Smith, the author of The Texas Spirit, (2014; Halcyon Press), and founder/owner of Chemical Exchange, Inc. and Texmark Chemicals. David is an avid jogger who's committed to living to age 100. In many ways, the knowledge gleaned from...