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A minion talks to her CEO

A minion talks to her CEO

Do you work for a company where the CEO and other executives say they support gender equality but little else happens to make it a reality? I’ve worked at several places where that's true and guess other women might have, too. Places where saying anything about the...

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My girls need to know independence

My girls need to know independence

About six years ago, as I emerged from the fog of having three children in four years, I found myself in an uncomfortable predicament. I had a master’s degree in Sociology and had always focused my academic interests in women’s issues, and before having my children I...

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What’s the purpose of working?

What’s the purpose of working?

I came across the following story (see below) while doing research for an upcoming SmartBrief article. I was looking for information about economics, and here was this piece on finding purpose in your life. I'm researching money and up pops the meaning and purpose of...

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LeadBIG out and about!
