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The Thriving Individual

The Thriving Individual

    This year I enjoyed the amazing opportunity of helping a Fortune 100 company roll out a major talent and leadership development strategy for their emerging leaders in Central America. As I held one hour meetings with 230 members of their sales, finance,...

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Buffett on giving love away

Buffett on giving love away

It's that time of year—the holiday season—when introspection seems particularly appropriate. You know, questions like: Why am I here? Am I making a difference? Am I loving enough? What kind of difference do I want to make? Do people know I care? What will be my...

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3 ways to grow your comfort zone

3 ways to grow your comfort zone

Do you always write with blue ink? If it's Wednesday, do you know you're having pizza for dinner? Do you always use the back hallway so you can avoid walking by your boss's office? Do you avoid trying something new because you're afraid you're going to fail? We're...

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LeadBIG out and about!
