10 characteristics of high-performing teams
Most members of high-performing teams report that it’s fun and satisfying to work on collaborative teams because they are asked to contribute at their highest potential and they learn a lot along the way. 10 characteristics of high-performing...
Yes, I’m nice; but no, I’m not stupid
"You seemed so nice when we talked. You being kind and all, I just figured you wouldn't mind," said Allan with more than a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Really!? You really figured I wouldn't care you presented my idea to the boss as your own just because I was...
Is your workplace hijacking your values?
The majority of managers and employees are good people who believe they are balancing their values—such as honesty and responsibility—with what's needed to get the job done. But this belief is often far from the truth. While we would like to think that we control our...
Let’s build a new leadership paradigm
There's something, isn't there, about the ambiance of a little coffee shop that spurs how-we're-going-to-change-the-world discussions? The topic at hand was a rich and challenging one: reinventing leadership so it's inspired and inspiring. People want to produce...
3 notions about power that are just plain wrong
Like love, power is one of those words that is rarely spoken in the workplace. And, when it is, those conversations usually happen in whispered tones and follow a flagrant example of power gone wrong like when: - A CEO believes he or she is above the law, an...
5 reasons to read Judgment Calls
Review of Judgment Calls: Twelve Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams that Got Them Right by Thomas H. Davenport (holds President's Chair in Information Technology and Management at Babson College) and Brook Manville (consultant and author), Harvard Business Review...