Ken Blanchard on how to evaluate your leadership style
The BIG team is tickled and honored to have Ken Blanchard as our guest author today! Ken co-authored Great Leaders Grow: Becoming a Leader for Life and is cofounder and chief spiritual officer of the Ken Blanchard Companies. He is the author or coauthor of 50...
Can leaders be loving and still be effective?
I recently asked a male colleague for his thoughts on why so few women are included in the multitude of leadership guru/expert lists.* Our fascinating exchange... "Most women don't write solely about leadership. They throw in other stuff that keeps them off...
3 lessons for handling public criticism (from someone who wishes she’d done it better)
In the universal book of fair play, one of the basic rules is to praise in public and give criticism in private. Making people look—and feel—stupid (regardless how egregious their offense may be) in front of others serves no one well. So imagine my shock and surprise...
Don’t get tripped up by unspoken expectations
Jorge hung up the phone and sat at his desk for a long time, staring out the window, seeing everything yet seeing nothing. As he sat there, he replayed, over and over again, the conversation he'd just had with his business partner. The call had been unexpectedly...
12 ways to be a wimpy leader
Every once in a while, who doesn't feel like you're being singled out for "crap detail" more often than other people? But sometimes that feeling about always being treated like a doormat is pervasive. Do you feel like a doormat? If you're feeling a little (or maybe a...
3 crucial leadership connections
Does your life and work schedule resemble the landing strip at O'Hare or LaGuardia airports—so much incoming activity that there's no time for anything else? No time to think or reflect or connect? (Sometimes, in my first act of life, there was hardly time to go to...