Dealing with a boss who steals your ideas
Claire looked pale and drawn as she slid into the lunch booth, joining her work colleagues for their weekly Friday "lunch bunch." "Hey Claire, what's up?" asked Patsy. "You're not looking so good." "Patsy, I'm pretty freaked out. Remember that big project...
Do you create or snuff out creativity?
Stories can teach us powerful lessons about life, love and leadership, and this one about creativity, The Little Boy (author unknown), does just that... Once a little boy went to school. One day his teacher said, ‘Today we are going to make a picture’. ‘Good!’...
When did being humble lose its luster?
The setting: a leadership workshop Participants: 25 high potentials from a variety of companies The topic: how leaders balance confidence and humility in context of Jim Collins' level 5 leadership ("transformative executives possess a paradoxical blend of personal...
Influence: An energy drink for leaders
Ever feel envious of that successful work colleague who's connected to everyone, whose projects and budgets get approved, and whose opinions are actively sought out because people want to know what they think? If you do, please don't waste your time being jealous....
Tackling imposter syndrome
Ethel held a senior director job title, received glowing reviews, and her educational credentials and reputation were impeccable. Yet she felt like a failure. She lived in constant fear that her lack of ability would be discovered. That she would be exposed as the...
First, lead yourself
I stumbled on this insightful poem by Dale Wimbrow that was written in 1934, yet the message remains fresh and true today. The Guy in the Glass When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf*, And the world makes you King for a day, Then go to the mirror and...