When it’s time to change
When we moved into our lowcountry house three years ago, the side yard was beautifully shaded with quintessentially southern crepe myrtle and magnolia trees that belonged to our neighbor. Given that they lived here only a few months of the year, I felt privileged to...
10 rules for saying “I”
"I" is a tricky word. At one end of the word use continuum, it conveys authenticity, caring and courage. I see you've been pre-occupied lately. If there's something you'd like to talk about, I'm hear to listen. "I" can draw people in. At the other end, it's...
It’s not all about you
Thoughts on matters of time, civility, and character... A prospective job candidate called a recruiter friend of mine and asked to change the agreed-upon location of their interview. The candidate also requested to meet at the downtown library. This new...
3 techniques to build confidence
Confidence is something that can be learned. Becoming more confident can make you more successful. Success breeds success, adding to your sense of confidence. This creates a powerful, inextricably linked cycle of success, confidence, success. Why is it that so many of...
What teeball taught me about power
Ah, work/life/business boundaries—so tricky, so necessary, and so darn hard to manage for many reasons both personal and professional. A female business colleague and I were sharing insights for how we set (or don't) boundaries for work and personal time....
Focus, flip-flops, and attention spans
Wow, last Tuesday was quite a day, and the biggest problem I had in managing what was going on was managing myself and my attention span. The final straw came in a meeting where three things happened that threw me off-course. The woman who had scheduled the meeting...