How to Tell if You’re A Big-headed Leader
Power is a powerful thing. Leadership, to be effective, involves wielding power to produce desired results. Leaders are set apart from the people they are responsible for leading precisely because of the power inherent in leading. Leaders are expected to assert...
My holiday dessert? Humble pie
A colleague and I were at a publishing conference. We were attending a session on how to be a more effective writer. “Schedule time every week for serendipity,” advised one of the session panelists. “If you schedule time for serendipity, you’ll make it happen....
How to stop “can’t” thinking
How do you define imagination? To me, it’s the first step in bridging the problems we face and their solutions. Imagine working on an app that would help users get out of debt because they’re making better informed financial decisions. Imagine using...
Using opposites to help people win
The thought that popped into my mind was unexpected. All I had to do to resolve my problems with the plant that continued to vex me was to toss it into the compost bin. No longer would I have to deal with the spindly, frustrating thing that wilted in the sun,...
Did you know self-promotion is a leadership skill?
When I was growing up, my mom told me I needed to be a good girl in life and doing that meant following a few simple rules. One of those rules was to never talk about myself or money. Never, ever. She said good girls just don’t do the self-promotion thing...
Finding the perfect attitude is easier than finding the perfect job
What’s your passion? Family? Gardening? Rock climbing? Now think about where your work-for-money job falls in your list of passions. For many, a job is just a means to an end. Something that provides money for an education, an SUV, a house, and more. However,...