Great leaders have an instinct for “We”
Effective leaders have a natural instinct for thinking more about "we" and less about "me." They: Bring a team-oriented approach to achieving results, a spirit of “we’re all in this together” rather than a “me-centered” style where all that matters is the...
Leaders don’t get a hall pass when times get tough
I spent many years working in labor relations. The talk last week about the government shutdown, and more specifically, who would and who would not be paid, struck a nerve I didn't realize was still raw after all these years. One of my former employers, a...
A way to give back and learn, too
Do you know anyone who is looking to update their resume AND help a worthy cause, the Center for Women, at the same time? If you do, please read on! Three years ago I began the second act of my life. Part of that change included moving from San Francisco to...
Credibility. Don’t leave home without it!
Got credibility issues? Said by a perplexed employee to a co-worker: “When will my boss get off my case? Sure, I made a huge mistake last quarter that nearly caused the client to drop us, and I was a little late in telling the boss about it. I've apologized and am...
Pieces of perfect are all you need
We’d been beach combing for an hour. Now it was time to survey each other’s treasures. We poured three glasses of wine and settled in our beach chairs to savor the sunset view, compare our finds, and share some easy conversation between old friends. We spread our...
Strategic planning and thinking have a lot in common
The committee chair's presentation was spectacular—a succinct yet thoughtful description of the committee's vision, what the company needed to accomplish over the next two years, why such results were needed, what other groups with a similar mission were doing, along...