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A salute to mentors

A salute to mentors

If you put your mind and heart to it, there's nothing you can't do. Negotiating is as much an attitude and behavior exercise as it is an intellectual one.  Be prepared on all fronts. Don't lose precious time wishing for things; make it happen! Never let anyone make...

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Know someone with one-note thinking?

Know someone with one-note thinking?

We were working with a six-person senior management team known for two things:   1)  being stuck in time, and 2)  not communicating amongst themselves or with the rest of the organization. After shadowing the team, it became evident that these six people were what we...

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Saying “no” doesn’t make you unlikable

Saying “no” doesn’t make you unlikable

  "I so want to tell him 'no' but I don't want to let him down." From the pained look on her face, I surmised that she was talking about disappointing someone important in her life or career. That guess was wrong--Casey felt she couldn't say no to someone she had...

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How to manage irreconcilable trade-offs

How to manage irreconcilable trade-offs

  Consider these words from Gary Hamel, ranked as one of the world’s most influential business thinkers by the Wall Street Journal. "Organizational success in the years ahead will hinge on the ability of employees at all levels to manage seemingly irreconcilable...

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