3 tools for workplace culture change
Corporate leaders tell us change is the biggest challenge they’re facing today. Why? Constant change makes it difficult to remain relevant and to create value for customers. Humans tend to hate change. Whether it’s introducing a state-of-the-art computer program or...
5 ways to accept what you can’t change
Hubby was peeved with me. I couldn’t answer his question about whether or not our yard waste that was piled by the curb had been picked up. “You went out to get the paper," he said. "How could you not notice?” Not noticing had been easy. The early morning air...
Wondering why a former boss gave you a bad reference?
Who isn’t interested in a new job, a better job, or upgrading a career? That’s what many of us work for. But there’s a component of the career betterment process that people sometimes overlook, and that’s the job reference. A bad reference can be a killer we're not...
10 ways to be more curious
It's a department staff meeting. You lead the department, and you are being peppered with questions. How do you react? Do you answer every single question yourself, or do you deflect some of them to those on your team who are subject matter experts on the topic in...
3 ways to champion diversity
“Tia, you make me crazy. Can’t you do anything without planning it to death? This work needs to go out now.” “Hunter, this project isn’t ready to go. If we release it now, there’s going to be rework and more rework. Not to mention all the complaints we'll get.” “Time...
Zapping execs out of their comfort zone
What happens when a corporation’s leadership is engaged, talented and competent, but so stuck in their ways—their comfort zone—that they can’t quite grasp the importance of acting as a strategic, forward-thinking team? If that's the case, it could be time for drastic...