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management and priorities“Kathleen was way out of line. Going to her boss to complain about her performance review was over the top. We had no choice but to write her up.”

“Why didn’t you have a choice?”

“We can’t have our executives burdened with such mundane matters.”

“Did Kathleen talk to her boss about her concerns?”

“Of course she told him about her disagreement during the review.”

“Anything after that?”

She wrote a five-page letter two days after the review and asked for a follow-up meeting with her boss.”

“What happened in the follow-up meeting?”

“It hasn’t happened yet.  We’ve kept her boss pretty busy with our annual business strategy and budget planning that’s done every year at this time.”

“How long has it been since Kathleen gave her follow-up letter to her boss?”

“Let’s see, we’ve spent the last two months really focused on the strategy and budget work.  Her review was before that, so it’s been maybe three months.”

“Is that a normal time gap for your organization to respond to employee issues?”

“Well, maybe not normal but it certainly hasn’t been the longest. We’ll get to her issue when the budget planning work is over.”

Advice for a troubled management team

Oh, my goodness!

What a host of riches exist for making changes to improve process, better engage employees and even minimize the risk of legal action:

  • Consider an open door program so employees with issues have a place to go
  • Revisit how priorities are set
  • Provide training on balancing task completion and relationship building
  • Have someone serve as the advocate for employees
  • Conduct risk management training

What other going-forward advice would you offer this HR manager?

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