Is there a secret sauce for leadership?
No doubt about it--our brains prefer simplicity. I know mine does! In a world where we're pressed for time and performance, we instinctively look for ideas and solutions that support how we think—and ignore evidence to the contrary (the dreaded confirmation bias at...
5 essential laws of internal communications
Today's guest contributor is Megan Marie Ritter, an online business journalist with a background in social media marketing. Her writing covers everything from entrepreneurship and small business strategies, to virtual communications technology and global business...
Is silence from the boss good news?
Do you think a workplace where your boss talked to you only if you'd done something wrong would be a crummy place to work? Someone I recently met described where she used to work as being that way. She made the observation so calmly. Detached even. Like the situation...
An important lever of change is communications
I’ve written several posts over the last few years about change. Based on the enormity of the task we face as leaders, I probably have not written enough on this important topic. I love the idea of a lever as it relates to change. As you may remember from physics, a...
Live with courage instead of regret
My movement from hurt feelings to sympathy happened fairly quickly after a friend had the courage to reach out and apologize for not calling me during my sick leave. She said she had meant to call or send a card countless times but that something for work always got...
In praise of civility
It was a day of the triple rudeness whammy. One was delivered in my Twitter stream. The second and third ones happened in meetings when an individual shared their point of view and was vigorously pommelled with personal attacks. It was brutal, and I wanted out of...