How women can manage business and family & skip the guilt
Being young and inexperienced can be intimidating for stay-at-home entrepreneurs, but that doesn’t mean you’re making mistakes. Fresh out of college at 23, I thought I’d done something wrong when the wholesaler for my stationery company assigned me a personal...
A legacy of “good noodles” isn’t enough
As family conversations sometimes go, out of the blue someone mentioned Aunt Dolly’s noodles. You could tell by the lull in the conversation and the smiles on faces that people were remembering how soul-satisfyingly delicious her noodles were. I’ll never forget the...
8 tips for women who want to start a business from scratch
Now more than ever, women are seeing the benefits of building their own businesses and are doing just that. In a world full of complicated and contradicting start up information, consider my eight simple tips for launching a successful business as a woman—from a...
Be inspired to focus on focus
Sadly, I’ve always been a better lesson learner after having been whacked by a cosmic two-by-four. A recent health scare prompted me to hit my personal "pause button," focus, and rethink where I'm headed in this second act of life for me. It's time to get clear on...
In praise of downtime
A little after noon last Friday, I unplugged from technology (phone and PC) for the long holiday weekend. What bliss! A refreshing and renewing interlude that would have been impossible in my first act of life where 24x7 connectivity and within-minutes response was...
Do you value accountability?
While doing some leadership research, I ran across this observation in an article I was reading: "Holding people accountable is fine and well, but it should only be used as a last resort." Fine and well? Last resort? What horrifying advice! In teams that I've led or...