5 keys for developing your personal power
Personal power is a core leadership competency that everyone needs to develop before they can lead others. It has to do with being able to lead yourself. We can help harness and learn to use our personal power by understanding and working on our Emotional...
Give me wings to get to the point
Looking for a bit of inspiration? Does your spirit need a lift? Want a nudge for gentle introspection or some wings to fly? If so, this lovely piece shared with me by a dear friend, may be just what you seek! Several requests here spoke to me...hope the same is true...
You know you’re not a leader when…
A gal pal asked me if I’d heard that Doug’s* company had failed. Given that we’d worked with him earlier in our careers, neither of us was surprised that his entrepreneurial venture hadn’t succeeded beyond a few years. Doug was super smart but difficult to get along...
5 ways to get your creative juices flowing
Creativity is surrounded by paradigms. 1500 CEOs who participated in an IBM study noted creativity as the single most important leadership quality for success yet, according to research by Adobe, 80% of respondents reported more pressure to be productive rather than...
3 ways to tame the noisy thoughts in my head
I love wisteria. Seeing those trailing explosions of frothy purple blossoms always makes me smile. So why had I just driven for 15 minutes on a road where they grow wild and lush on the oaks and pines and not seen a single one? I'd been "in my head," all thoughts and...
5 things a leader with character does
After giving a talk about the importance of character in leadership, a participant told me he was intrigued with our blog's tagline of "redefining power, performance, and connection at the intersection of the art of leadership and the science of business" and our...