A woman’s vision of the future
Today's guest author is Dana Theus. Dana is a speaker, writer and CEO of InPower Consulting, reframing leadership to integrate the emotional intelligence lessons learned from studying women leaders. Theus is also a personal brand coach and founder of InPowerWomen.com....
Give yourself permission to be that woman
Seven businesswomen were onstage—all participating in a panel discussion for working women about being successful. The moderator’s first question was Please tell us your secrets for successfully managing work/life balance. OMG…what a cringe-worthy way to start the...
Are your meetings a painful waste of time?
Today’s guest author is Berny Dohrmann, chairman and founder of CEO Space. Drawing from his transformative experience of having been incarcerated, Berny uses his past to upgrade CEOs today into leaders within higher global compliance standards. In survey after...
If equity is a mere matter of view …
Today's guest author is Ellen Weber, author, lecturer, columnist and Director, MITA International Brain Based Center. Ellen is recognized globally for her brain-compatible communicating, learning and assessment renewal work. MITA’s leadership approach facilitates...
21 things to know about stereotypes
A fascinating happenstance that bubbles up while I'm conducting diversity and inclusion workshops is that many people aren't fully aware of what stereotypes are and how they impact how we think, feel, and act toward others. Education...
Do you see an opportunity or an obstacle?
Talk about an unexpected opportunity to learn! I found this poem while doing research for my book about women and power and loved how the content pulled me into a little, no a lot, of personal reflection. My time of mental exploration helped me to recognize all the...