The good discomfort of inclusiveness
Now that I live in the South, I’m frequently asked if I enjoy Southern hospitality. Of course I do. People being pleasant and personable make encounters more enjoyable. Yet there’s something superficial about it — a congenial exchange that happens at arm’s length,...
Leadership Quotes – the Power of Persistence
Leadership quotes to help you amp up your power of persistence A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change. ~Earl...
Resolutions at the intersection of the heart, will and mind
A small group of us meet monthly for coffee, connection and conversation. Everyone was a buzz at last Friday’s pow-wow, busy sharing their 2014 resolutions. Meaningful and ambitious plans were disclosed: getting a new job, losing weight, traveling to Europe, writing...
Hello, life. I’m back, and things are gonna change
For the last several years, my BIG business partner and I have both been saying we want to write a book. So late last year we decided to quit yakking and start writing. Two people, two books. 60 days to finish and share with each other a first draft. Amy and I both...
A birthday wish for myself: do good
Today is my birthday, and the sentiments in this poem is the present I'm giving to myself for inspiration throughout the upcoming year. Enjoy, too! Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothingcan disturb your peace of mind.To talk health, happiness, and prosperityto...
Prioritize your professional development efforts & start hacking leadership
Should you play to your strengths or shore-up your weaknesses? If you pose this question to a group of professionals some will answer play to your strengths, some will answer shore-up weaknesses and others will answer both. The truth is that they are all correct to a...