Messiness, meaning and engagement
It was a movie moment right out of I Robot. The logic was irrefutable. At an all-hands meeting, Brad, who was the president for company that employed two-hundred people, spelled out a newly-revised process for manufacturing the company’s flagship product that had been...
Are you truly walking the leadership talk?
Recently I was reminiscing with a former colleague about some of the wildest and wackiest moments in our leadership careers. I'd almost forgotten one...how a candidate for a senior level leadership position really blew it. I was one of six women standing in the lobby...
Finding the true spirit of giving
Richelle E. Goodrich shares a lovely story that illuminates the joyful spirit of giving. May you feel enriched for having enjoyed this story today! “What is the spirit of Christmas, you ask? Let me give you the answer in a true story... On a cold day in...
Wishing you the 7 C’s
To enjoy "being" good in all your “doing” well over the next year, the team at BIG hopes your holiday stocking bulges at the seams with these 7 C gifts! Character...You walk the talk for being good and doing well. Your ethics and integrity are above reproach because...
Dare to think differently
"It's fascinating when Sally and Greg are in the same meeting. You can count on Sally to point out what's wrong and Greg to focus on what's right. Together they make the perfect glass half-empty, half-full pair." Sally and Greg's styles represent two of Dr. Edward de...
The pull of the whisper
Challenge my mind. Intrigue me. Pique my curiosity. Move me. Make me laugh. Please just don’t try to sell or subscribe or impress me before you’ve done any of those things! I’ve been doing lots of research as I write my next book which means I'm visiting lots of new...