Care for yourself and be a better person
You know how busy you get ascending the ladder of success—the constant swirl of activity focused on the business, your team, your department, results and outcomes. Time for yourself? Ah, we’ll try to work that in later. And that later never happens. In the mid-1990’s...
How willing are you to take a risk?
While discussing the push/pull polarities of influence styles at a workshop on Power, Persuasion and Influence that I was facilitating for a group of Fortune 100 executive women, one woman shared a moving observation with the group: while knowing which style...
3 problems with cross-cultural communications and how to fix them
Why isn’t your international business thriving? Why are you still running into problems with your international counterparts telling you “yes” one day and then not following through the next? After working with clients in South East Asia since the 1990’s, living in...
5 ways for you to reframe, connect, and grow
Leaders are immersed in metrics, perpetually measuring and quantifying business performance in pursuit of the next improvement, double-digit growth or to beat the market. Too bad there isn't a similar quest for connections. Connecting is good for individuals and for...
Sometimes ambiguity is the right answer
The meeting exchange was fascinating. Belle resisting giving Max the absolute answer he so clearly wanted; Max's rising frustration with what he perceived as Belle's wishy-washiness; and Belle's explanation of how ambiguity is sometimes the right leadership...
The flower theory of leadership
As I watched her dance her way to the stage, I was thinking, from what felt like a mile away, how wonderful it was that we could escape into the mind and methods of our motivational speaker and leave all the leadership demands of quarterly results and...