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How willing are you to take a risk?

How willing are you to take a risk?

  While discussing the push/pull polarities of influence styles at a workshop on Power, Persuasion and Influence that I was facilitating for a group of Fortune 100 executive women, one woman shared a moving observation with the group:  while knowing which style...

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Sometimes ambiguity is the right answer

Sometimes ambiguity is the right answer

  The meeting exchange was fascinating.  Belle resisting giving Max the absolute answer he so clearly wanted; Max's rising frustration with what he perceived as Belle's wishy-washiness; and Belle's explanation of how ambiguity is sometimes the right leadership...

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The flower theory of leadership

The flower theory of leadership

  As I watched her dance her way to the stage, I was thinking, from what felt like a mile away, how wonderful it was that we could escape into the mind and methods of our motivational speaker and leave all the leadership demands of quarterly results and...

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