5 ways you’re mucking up solving a problem
"I can't tell you how impressed I am with this group," exclaimed Roger. "Once again, their efforts made all the difference. Without my team working into the wee hours of the morning to fill the customer's order, we would have missed the shipping deadline." "What...
Does power really corrupt?
The recent tornado that hit Joplin, MO or the massive flooding along the Mississippi River—those are forces over which we have no control. Same goes for the big boss who goes beserk in a meeting, shouting and pointing fingers. It's not the same with...
10 ways to win “bad boss of the year”
If, for some reason, you have a hankering to earn the moniker "Bad Boss of the Year," remember to add these ten things to your daily 'to do' list and be a *real* winner. 1. March in the front door, proceed directly to your office, make no eye contact with anyone or...
Curious connections: cheshire cats, GPS, and purpose
Rose “fell” into her PR career right after college, taking a temporary job to tide her over. That job lasted ten years. While Rose had enjoyed her job, she always felt like something better was out there, that she was missing something. But until her layoff, she never...
Add a heartbeat to your spreadsheet
Do you hear agitated, frustrated, and concerned whispers at your workplace… I don't know how to do any more with less. I just can’t work any harder. No one seems to care. Is my job next? Does anyone care about me as person, or is it all about the bottom line?...
Dealing with cowardly backstabbers
People who met Martin for the first time walked away feeling like they'd made a new friend. They gushed about how kind, warm, open and caring he was. It wasn't until they got to know him better or began working for or with him that the truth came out. Martin...