What’s in your “previous life” toolkit?
I’ve been thinking that Jane might be reading my mind. For the last 36 years, during my corporate first act, my idea of success was defined by how high up the ladder I could climb. Like the woman Jane described in “Success—Where Are You Aiming?” I questioned whether...
International Women’s Day: Symbolism and Practice
I love holidays and yet I don't love holidays. Like today—International Women's Day. Huh? On one hand I love the celebration and spirit of community that comes with holidays. There's camaraderie and fun and love and shared experiences. Yet on the other hand, holidays...
All the broken leaders
A 10-month period is what we had in common. Ten months of misery. Ten months with a new boss focused on fixing us because we were broken. His toolkit was full of medieval broken management cures and was toted by a sinister unsmiling sidekick. Broken rules that broke...
Goodness on the inside
“All I could look at in the meeting was Eric’s nose! Goodness, it’s so big I can’t believe it! He reminds me so much of a clown that I just can’t take him seriously.” "Her voice is so annoying. That southern nasal tang drives me crazy." "Jessica is wearing, what, a...
5 ways to reinvent yourself
Lou's job turned out to be another casualty of business's "new normal" so that meant it was personal reinvention time for him. For Lou, losing his job wasn't anything close to what he'd previously defined as normal. He'd always been the one leaving a job for the next...
Contrarians, tolerance and healthy conflict
Leon, a retired executive, and I were meeting in one of those charming little independent coffee shops that are so conducive to great conversation. We met a Chamber of Commerce meeting. We discovered we had a shared passion for leadership and the power of connection....