Taking on the elephant in the room
Willing to give your risk muscle a workout and take on the elephant in the room? Recently I facilitated a workshop on power and influence for a group of high potential women and minorities working for a Fortune 500 firm. During a discussion about the push/pull...
Workplace Rx: A Little More Love
Today's Valentine post is a mash-up: part love letter, part rant! While doing research, I discovered a 2009 study done by the HEC School of Management, Paris and the CEMS (Community of European Management Schools). Both institutions were selected by the...
7 strategies for getting the promotion you want
"Andy, I'm so bummed, " said Kevin. "That new dude in the department got the promotion I was hoping for. What do I do?" "Did you ask the boss why the new guy got the job instead of you?" "Yeah. He said the new guy had better skills." Feeling let down and perhaps even...
For Sale: permanent residence inside your comfort zone
Do you place certain papers in a certain spot on your desk? Do you travel to work via the same route every day? Do you have a favorite coffee mug for easy Saturday mornings? Is there a food you eat when you seek comfort (gooey mac and cheese here!)? Most of us...
“Taking Personal Accountability” vs “Taking It Personally”
Today's guest post is by Doretha Walker, professor and former president of the Charleston, SC Center for Women. Always the over-achiever, Doretha ran her first marathon at age 45 and is working on her Ph.D. She blogs at Wecanflyhigher. The inspiration for her blog...
How do you define success?
The article title “Are you willing to pay the price for success?” did its job. I began reading. Hard work is the key to success, so work diligently on any project you undertake. If you truly want to be successful, be prepared to give up your leisure time and work past...