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Musings on authenticity and connection

Musings on authenticity and connection

I spent my Black Friday morning drinking a pot of coffee, pondering the mental and emotional residue that lingered in my head and heart following several intriguing conversations, a bit of book writing, and a healthy dose of reading while traveling.  A theme of...

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Woolly mammoths and women supporting women

Woolly mammoths and women supporting women

Dr. Elaine Yarbrough was the featured speaker this past Monday evening at the Entrepreneur Networking Event presented by the Charleston Center for Women.  Elaine's career includes over 25 years experience training, consulting, mediating as well as researching,...

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Keep moving, change lanes later

Keep moving, change lanes later

Following ten years of promotions and many kudos for her excellent work, Leah was laid off for the first time in her career. Her company had been hit hard by the recession and needed to dramatically reduce its staff. Included in those reductions were key performers...

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LeadBIG out and about!
