Women are good for your company’s bottom line
When you let women be women in the business world, they do better.
That’s according to a recent report from the Harvard Business Review, which makes the case that traditional thinking – that women should be treated no differently than men in corporate settings – is both flawed and regressive.
A major point made in HBR post is that only about 20 percent of businesswomen make partner. By expecting the same performance and outcomes from women that we expect from men, the corporate world is consciously and unconsciously excluding female leadership.
That’s a very bad thing, according to many. Kevin O’Leary of “Shark Tank” fame says that of his 27 companies, only the ones with female CEOs make him money.
Women are good for business, so it follows that what’s good for your best women will be good for your bottom line. I believe that women have the ability to elevate business results, which will provide a better return for stakeholders. I see an essential role for them in leading businesses into a new paradigm.
I see an essential role for women in leading businesses into a new paradigm. ~D. McLaughlin
4 Reasons Why Women will Lead the Business World Forward
1. The old way doesn’t work.
Since 1955, more than 90 percent of the companies on the Fortune 500 list have gone bankrupt, shrunk in size, become inconsequential, been mopped up by their rivals or closed their doors. Sixty percent of CEOs think their current business model is only sustainable for another three years.
So with statistics like that, sticking too closely to old practices and beliefs, such as discouraging the female nature in the corporate world could likely involve your company in those dismal failure rate numbers.
2. The business world has already changed.
Technology hasn’t only revolutionized how we do business—it has also changed the workforce.
Today’s employees are smarter, more innovative, more creative, and full of potential. As Generations X and Y emerge as tomorrow’s leaders, Millennials are proving to be very resourceful workers. Old models like “command-and-control” don’t fit with a company’s most precious resource—its people.
3. Women are more social and excel in collaboration.
We shouldn’t generalize too narrowly along gender norms. However, it’s probably fair to say that women are more nurturing, and lead and manage differently, being more prone to sharing influence and fostering a creative culture of collaboration. While this outcome isn’t strictly a gender rule, it is a workplace reality because much of today’s traditional management methods focus on centralized authority.
4. Momentum will continue to build for women leadership.
Momentum tends to build upon itself, which includes social change. While this change has been slower in the corporate world, we’re already seeing signs and opinions of change, such as the experience shared by Kevin O’Leary.
If the Harvard Business Review post is an indicator, women in business will feel more comfortable being themselves in a professional environment, and this is a reality that will be a game-changer.
What do you think? Is the gender nature of workplaces changing? What’s been your experience in seeing these four ways exhibited where you work?
LeadBIG welcomes back guest contributor Debora McLaughlin, CEO of The Renegade Leader Coaching and Consulting Group, executive coach, and author. Debora helps women, business owners, executives, and managers ignite their inner renegade leader to unleash their full potential, drive their visions, and yield positive results both in business and in life.
Image credit before quote added: Gratisography