Unlearning a lifetime of habits
Everyone falls into habits and routines—it’s the nature of being human. But when you realize your behaviors are inhibiting you from achieving your goals, that doesn’t mean you can vow to change and all will be well. Every single behavior that you demonstrate—good, bad...
Don’t let stereotype threat hold you back
The belief that certain activities are “appropriate” for women and certain careers are not is the result of stereotype threat, pure and simple. If a woman believes women are good at psychology but not computer science, she is more likely to major in psychology than...
How bold will you be today?
In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders. ~Sheryl Sandberg And when that day arrives, we’ll have no more need for today’s International Women’s Day, an observance that began in 1909 to commemorate the bold struggle for women’s rights....
Ready to make your voice heard?
Google “songs about money” and entries like “40 best songs about money” and “12 best songs about money. EVER” pop up. The search results are less abundant if you google “songs about ethics.” No 12- or 40-best lists appear. “Top 10 social and political songs of our...
Don’t let the silent killer catch you like it nearly did me
I found it poignant and creepy that Carrie Fisher passed away on my birthday after suffering cardiac arrest. Heart disease is a silent killer of women. Why? Because we insist we’re just fine even when we aren’t. I know. I did just that. Thankfully my loving husband...
Get good at thinking about your thinking
Have you ever wanted something to be soooooooo perfect that you ended up doing nothing? Recently that’s been the situation with me and my blog. I know I need to write a post or two, yet day after day goes by and I write nothing. Zip. Nada. That's an outcome that gives...