Women, High Heels, and L.E.A.D.
I’d like to see business women celebrate Women’s History Month by taking the L.E.A.D. and embracing their inner Sofia Vergara. There’s more to her than meets the eye. She’s been the top-earning actress on television for three years running and is a wildly successful...
Solitude: a surprise tool for making important decisions
“What? You’re not meditating?” demanded a recent LA times article. The article went on to explore today’s “mindfulness meditation” mania, so popular that it has already sparked the backlash that we fickle beings accord anything that captivates us for longer than a...
Gender equality: will anyone ever pay attention?
The national movement that's begun in sports to hold domestic violence abusers accountable is both gratifying and long overdue. I live in South Carolina, which for too long, has been one of the worst states for violence against women. State government is...
IWD 2015: women & men partner to make action happen
“In 2015, ‘awareness’ is out—action is in” reads a TIME post for International Women’s Day. Agreed, it is time for more action around gender equality. It's also time for more awareness. And more women! Action, attention, and awareness keep men and women focused on the...
3 things to do “next time”
Each month without fail over the last several years, I had volunteered for this group. So seeing a new monthly schedule that didn't contain my name was a surprise. In rapid succession, surprise was replaced with anger (how dare they!), then doubt (don't they...
CEOs: Make it a point to include girls in the old boy’s club
Whether it’s Hollywood movie studios and their paucity of female directors, the tech industry and their alarming exodus of frustrated women, or the stifling male fraternity culture that dominates Wall Street, women continue to be marginalized in the business world,...