Do’s and don’ts for leadership development
There are many leadership styles just as there are many situations that require leadership. At one end of the spectrum of leadership there are aggressive, autocratic individuals like George Patton and Margaret Thatcher. On the other end, there are leaders like...
5 ways to make conflict less divisive
Conflict is a given in most organizations. In families and relationships, too. Each of us sees the world through the unique lens of our needs, interests, and concerns. Depending on our level of tolerance, that diversity of thought, opinion, and perspective can...
Fiscal fairy tales without a happy ending
Once upon a time, there was a brat named Phil T. Rich. He grew up with everything a kid could want. He had every gadget imaginable, a house that rivaled the Disney castle, and parents who gave him free rein to do whatever he wanted. Unfortunately, his parents...
Ready for some fabulocity?
Like a spreading case of the measles, the eight women seated together at the conference shared an inventory of what was wrong with them. I'm bad at pushing back. I can't say no. I cry at work. I'm a bad public speaker. I'm not confident. I have anger management...
Got self-awareness?
A recruiter friend shared an instructive story about the power of self-awareness and how it plays into our leadership abilities. A candidate called the recruiter and asked to change the location of their interview. She wanted to meet downtown at the library....
4 rules for hiring the best employees
Exorbitant student loans constitute just one reason why young people eager to experience the world may want to reconsider going to college. There is now $1.2 trillion worth of college debt in the United States, and the average borrower will graduate owing $26,600...