Currency matters a lot in your emotional bank account
Sally is a controller for a large privately-held company. After fourteen years of service and completion of every assignment and development activity she was asked to do or offered, she was passed over for a long-desired promotion to CFO. She was considered for the...
Personal Branding: A Road to Self-Confidence
Shauna Mackenzie Heathman is the owner and founder of Mackenzie Image Consulting, South Carolina's only full-service image consulting firm. Shauna is certified by both the Association of Image Consultants International and the International Institute of Image...
Resiliency and successful life change
Being a psychotherapist, I am fascinated by the process of change. Beyond what I do, my current passion for helping others, particularly women, to take advantage of the change process has exponentially grown based on my own personal experiences. At age forty, I...
Always be ready for your NEXT job
We should always be ready for the next job, even if we don’t know what it is. I often tell people that I never really got the job I wanted or planned for, but that I got many others that were great for both me and my career. It’s impossible to know what the next job...
How to master the reins, boundaries, and growth
I am a novice horseback rider with lots to learn. My instructor pointed out that I was using the wrong paradigm for turning my horse. I was turning my horse Poppy like I turn my car. I was turning Poppy by moving both hands and literally steering my horse. Instead of...
How a simple connection sparked a movement
When I first decided to narrow my marketing focus to work with clients with whom I shared a passion – authors – I had no idea what that would look like as a business model. It turned out to be the best decision I could have ever made. I enjoyed the work and...